What powers they possessed is still unknown, but whatever they were posed a threat to purple bloods. On Beforus, they were treated as lesser peoples and insulted with the “Lime” slur, and on Alternia they were eventually wiped out. Yellowgreen blooded trolls are oppressed on both worlds. Possible explanations for the nightmares are Gl'bgolyb (any emissary to the horrorterrors), Purpleblood chucklevoodoos, or species-wide trauma nothing was confirmed by canon. This is not normal and Doc Scratch is to blame. Recuperacoons are Alternia exclusive, and were created to protect trolls from the nightmares that plague their species ehile they sleep. Most trolls have sharp teeth, and their diets consist mostly of various types of grubs and insectoid creatures, judging from their food terms. Most technology in troll culture is based in organic networks, using specialised grubs and other creatures in place of circuits. However, Beforans (if not all trolls) do have concepts of asexuality and aromanticism, separated out by quadrant. Trolls have no concept of gender affecting sexuality, making them all, again in human terms, bi/pan. The females of the species, mother grubs, are revered and protected by the humanoid males, and castes that are in human terms feminine hold the most important roles of leading society and caring for the aforementioned mother grubs.

Troll society is, in human terms, matriarchal. Some however, such as Kanaya, can stand sunlight and will operate somewhat diurnally. Due to their sun’s intense brightness and heat, trolls rarely go out at night. I take no credit for these meshes and this wonderful persons work. HORNS FOUND!!! Not my content, but here ya go. No bra/underwear download (requested c: again lol) Note: Some of the dresses and body suites will require you to take off bras or underwear - this mod is provided in extras. Updated eyes (whites of the eyes are now yellow, full red eyes for terezi) Seadweller fins and troll horns not available at this time and I will probably make an edit soon so the whites of the trolls eyes are yellow.